Running For Office Academy

We help smart, passionate people run for office, win an election and make a difference.


It is through our on-line learning center that we coach and train promising candidates on how to organize campaigns, develop a strong network of supporters, create a compelling campaign message, master social media, raise money and navigate the minefields of political combat in competitive political campaigns.

  • You will learn in simple, easy to understand steps how to run for office and win an election.
  • No need to hire a high-priced consultant, or spend days or weeks learning how it’s done.
  • Learn at your own pace, anywhere, anytime.
  • 24/7 access…on any device.
  • 30 day money back guarantee.

Meet Jay Townsend

Speechwriter, debate coach, marketing and advertising strategist, Jay Townsend has worked in four U.S. Presidential campaigns, scores of U.S. Senate, Gubernatorial and Congressional races. He is the author of 3 books, So You Want to Run for Public Office, The Worst Mistakes Candidates Make and Timeless Lessons from the 2016 Election.

Townsend has received several national awards for his work, including the nation’s best television commercial aired in a Gubernatorial race, the best persuasion mail piece produced for a Presidential campaign, and the nation’s best newspaper ad for a political candidate.

A member of the National Speakers Association, Townsend has spoken to hundreds of audiences. He has lectured on politics and political warfare at the United States Military Academy, the Marketing Research Association, the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, the Coro and Luce Foundations, numerous colleges and universities. He has appeared on NBC, NY1, Time Warner’s Capitol Tonight, FOX News, Canadian TV and is a Sr. Global Advisor to the James Luce Foundation.

He resides in New York City.

What Clients Say About Jay

He is very good at what he does.

"I’ve seen political consultant Jay Townsend coach complete novices into the Halls of Congress. He loves what he does. He is very good at what he does."

Mike Long
Chairman, Conservative Party of New York

The ads Jay did for me received a national award.

"I was a complete and total unknown when we started the campaign. It was not an easy lift. I was taking on an institution and the entire political establishment. Jay never lost faith in me. He had a steely determination that inspired all of us. I defeated an incumbent in the primary by a 2-1 margin, and won the general election in a landslide. The ads Jay did for me received a national award."

Carl DuBois
Sheriff, Orange County NY

A brilliant strategist and tactician.

"The only political consultant in America who has won national awards for his newspaper, television and persuasion mail. A brilliant strategist and tactician who has seen it all and done it at least once."

Mike Collins
Former Press Secretary, Republican National Committee