For Political Candidates Who Want to Win

Learn How to Create a Compelling Campaign Message

Taught by a political veteran who has helped 302 Candidates win an election.

A compelling campaign message is the KEY to attracting the votes you need, volunteers to advance your cause, and donors willing to help you win.


Running for office and don’t know where to start?

  • Have you been told you need a campaign message but not sure what it is?
  • Are you unsure about what to tell voters about yourself?
  • Not sure what your campaign platform should be?
  • Not sure about what problems you want to talk about?
  • Not sure what will win you votes?
  • Not sure how to get voters to trust you?
  • Not sure what to say about your opponent?

Imagine knowing how to construct the PERFECT campaign message...

  • Of knowing all you need to know, exactly what to do, and how to do it.
  • Of knowing exactly what to say about yourself.
  • Of knowing how to tell your story so that voters trust you.
  • Of knowing how to let voters know that your values are the same as theirs.
  • Of knowing which issues will work best for you.
  • Of knowing how to prove you are the best choice to voters.


How to Create a Compelling Campaign Message Online Course

Go from ‘where-do-I-start’ to absolute clarity on creating a compelling campaign message that will captivate voters, attract volunteers and campaign donors.

Congratulations on your interest in running for office. Can I say thanks?

Lots of people complain about the way things are. Few ever step into the arena to do something about it.

Since you’re here, I know you’re different.

You are among the few determined to make a real and positive difference in the way people live.

I’d love to help you succeed. To share with you a proven and tested roadmap to success in a political campaign.

During my 40-year career as a political consultant, I’ve help 302 candidates win an election and rise to power.

Would you like to learn what they did and how you can do it too? You’ll be one step closer to the winner’s circle if you do.

Master the Art of Creating a Compelling Campaign Message

How to prove to voters that you are qualified to do the job
How to prove to voters that you share their values, and care about the same things.
How to clearly let voters know what problems you’ll solve, what wrongs you will right, what injustices you’ll correct.
How to let voters know they can trust you to do the right thing for them, even when they aren’t looking.
How to clearly show voters why they should vote for you and not for your opponent.

By the time you've completed this course, you will know exactly what you need to do to construct a compelling campaign message, and how to do it.


Here's What You Will Be Learning in How to Create a Compelling Campaign Message:

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How to prove to voters that you are qualified to do the job.

Believe it or not, you do not need a long resume to run for office. In fact, you probably already have most of the qualifications you need. I’ll help you figure out what they are, and which ones to include in your campaign message. And if you still think your resume is a little light, I’ll tell you how to quickly beef it up.


How to prove to voters that your moral code is in sync with theirs.

We all have a moral code and notions of right and wrong. So do voters, and they want to know that your values are in sync with theirs. In this lesson we’ll cover how you put yours on display with words, pictures, symbols and the way you talk.


How to tell voters what you are going to do for them.

Voters want to know what problems you are going to solve, what wrongs you will right, what injustices you’ll correct and how you will elevate their standard of living.
In this lesson we’ll cover how you answer that question, based upon the office you are running for, the piece of the electorate vital to your success, and who you are running against.


How to prove to voters that they can trust you.

Smart candidates answer the trust question by telling a story about a time in their life that made them passionate about fixing a problem, advancing a cause, or correcting an injustice.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to find your story -- a story that when you tell it, voters know they can trust you to do the right thing once you are in office. I’ll also be sharing compelling stories I’ve helped other candidates develop.


How to prove you are a better choice than your opponent.

Believe it or not, voters appreciate candidates who make their voting decisions easy.
In this lesson, you’ll learn the art of making the choice clear for voters, by defining the election on your terms and exploiting the weaknesses of your opponent.


The Next Step on Your Path to Victory.

Once constructed, your campaign message will have a number of applications.
Key to your success is using the power of your words in a commanding speech that will touch, move and inspire people to get involved in your campaign and advance your cause.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to find help.


Why do some candidates spend a lot
of money and lose? Why do some
who spend very little win?

The answer is their campaign message.

When you have a compelling message, everything works well in a political campaign. When you don’t, NOTHING is easy and EVERYTHING is hard.

You won’t find another course like this.
At any price.

What Clients and Graduates Are Saying

Ed Diana

Former Orange County Executive

“A great wordsmith. A terrific coach. Adept at keeping a candidate and a campaign on message. I ran for County Executive three times and each time won with more than 60% of the vote. Always with Jay by my side.”

Abdourahamane Diallo

Candidate, NY City Council

“When I ran for the City Council in New York, I reached out to Jay for help. As an immigrant from Guinea, West Africa, I was pleasantly surprised when he returned my call the next day. Against all odds, Jay dedicated himself fully to my campaign. The speeches he crafted were truly inspiring, and the video he scripted was exceptional. He never lost faith in me, treating me like his best friend throughout the process, and continues to do so.”

John Tkazyik

Former Mayor, Poughkeepsie, NY

“At age 28, I was elected the youngest Mayor in the history of Poughkeepsie, New York. It would not have happened without Jay, his clear direction and the superb campaign message he helped us create.”

If you are not completely happy with this course, ask for a refund within 30 days and you will receive it. In full. No questions asked.

Meet Jay Townsend

My greatest joys in life have come from helping candidates win hard fought elections, who in turn used the power of the office to make life better for people in their community. (THAT is what I live for, and it is my hope for you)

Other than my father, the person who had the greatest impact on my life was former New York Senator Robert Kennedy. On April 4, 1968, I saw him speak to a horrified throng of African Americans in Indianapolis the night Martin Luther King was assassinated. He talked about the pain of losing his brother to an assassin’s bullet, and implored them not to respond to violence, but to peacefully honor, remember and celebrate the life of Dr. King. They did. When he finished, thousands of people quietly went to their homes and churches to pray. Indianapolis was the only city in America where there was no violence that night.

Kennedy’s speech was the first time I’d ever seen the raw power of words…words that forever changed the destiny of an entire city. It was also the night I discovered the power of words; the most powerful drug humankind has ever known. Of all that I do to help candidates running for office, the most important is teaching them how to use the power of their own words to win an election and make a difference.

In fact, I’m so passionate about sharing what I’ve learned during my career that I’ve posted a lot of it on my YouTube Channel -- 253 free videos on how to run for office and win an election. Of course, you are free to watch all of them. It will take you several days, or weeks. Or you can buy this course, and learn exactly what you need to know about creating a compelling campaign message in five short power-packed lessons.

It has been my privilege to work in four different Presidential campaigns, six U.S. Senate races, eight Gubernatorial campaigns and 12 successful Congressional campaigns. In total I’ve worked in 402 campaigns for County Executives, Attorneys General, State Representatives, State Senators, Mayors, County Commissioners, even City Council races. There isn’t much I’ve not seen or done.

I’ve earned my share of trophies, best mail piece in a presidential campaign, best ad produced in a Gubernatorial election, best newspaper ad in the country for a local candidate and a referendum.

Those trophies gather dust in the back of a closet because they really don’t matter to me. They’re merely proof to others that I’m good at what I do.

Most candidates who run for office
want to win... what about you?

Do you believe in your cause? Are you passionate about doing the things you say you want to do? If you do, then you owe it to the people you want to help to invest in your own learning, so that you can win an election and get it done.

Your Campaign Message is THE most important piece of your campaign.

Without a good one, nothing works well, volunteers are hard to find, the donations meager.

It's your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask for a refund within 30 days and you will receive it. In full. No questions asked.

Yes - you'll have access to all lessons when you enroll.

You have 60 days from the day you enroll to access, and complete the course.

No. This course is a one time payment of $47.

You can complete the course in less than a day, or take your time.

Yes, including face-to-face meetings on zoom or Whatsapp if necessary. 

Why struggle and waste time doing something that is hard when there is an easier, better and quicker way to get it done?