Thinking of Running for Office but Don’t Know Where to Start?

Launch Your Winning Campaign Today.


Have you ever had these thoughts?

  • “I want to run for office, but I don’t know where to start.”
  • “I’m stuck. Everybody I talk to has a different idea, and I don’t know who to listen to.”
  • “I wish I knew who to call. I wish I knew who to trust.”
  • “I wish someone would just take me by the hand, and guide me through this, step by step.”
  • “I’d like to run, but I’m afraid of what they’ll say about me.”
  • “Why does running for office have to be so complicated?”
  • “Everybody is saying do this, do that, try this, I feel like I’m running around in circles.”
  • “How am I going to raise the money?”
  • “I HATE asking for money.”
  • “I’m not sure what to run for.”
  • “How do I write a speech?”
  • “I don’t know what my message should be.”
  • “Where am I going to find volunteers?”
  • “I called a political consultant and they wanted an outrageous fee just to get started.”

Imagine having the power to make a real difference.

  • Of having the power to correct an injustice, or right a wrong, or advance a policy that helps those you were elected to serve.
  • Of starting a campaign with confidence, knowing every step you need to take to run for office and win an election.
  • Of knowing exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it, including key tasks to complete before the campaign begins.
  • Of knowing how to be well-informed and always up-to-date on breaking news.
  • Of knowing how to build a strong network of stout supporters, and where to find them. (Hint: Nobody wins an election without them)
  • Of knowing exactly how to craft a compelling message that attracts volunteers, contributions from donors, and the loyalty of voters.
  • Of knowing how to write a compelling speech, script a video, and craft the perfect slogan for your campaign.
  • Of knowing how to raise money and find donors willing to help you advance your cause.
  • Of knowing how to use social media to jumpstart your campaign, attract volunteers, and entice perfect strangers to contribute to your cause.
  • Of knowing how to fine-tune an advertising strategy so that you can succeed, even with a low-budget campaign.


The Complete Guide to Running for Office: Your Step-by-Step Blueprint to Victory

Go from ‘I’d like to run” to “Hell YES. WE WON!” with this easy-to-understand, complicated-made-simple, step-by-step course that shows you exactly how to craft, design and execute a state-of-the-art political campaign.

The more you know about how to run for office, the better your chances of winning.

On your first try, not your fifth.

(Note: Those who don’t master the art of running for office don’t win elections.)

Master the essentials of running a winning campaign: crafting a compelling message, raising the money you need, and mobilizing volunteers.

When you are done with the Running for Office course, you will know what to do, how to do it, tasks to delegate, tasks only you can do, and all of the moving parts of a state-of-the art political campaign…so that you can win an election and make a difference.


How to be and stay well-informed, so that you are never caught off-guard or look clueless.

How to decide what office you want to run for, so that you don’t waste time running for the wrong job.

How to develop a network of strong supporters, so that you have influential people and opinion leaders in your corner willing to endorse you.

Where to find the rules about how to get on the ballot and file your campaign reports, so that you don’t get kicked off the ballot because of a silly mistake.

How to create a compelling campaign message, so that your message is clear, persuasive and easy to understand.

How to find and use demographic and consumer data to precisely target your voters, so that you reach key demographic groups on issues important to them.

How to research your opponent, so that you are fully informed about their strengths, weaknesses, what they’ve said and done (and when they are lying).

How to refine/finetune/use your campaign message to craft your slogan, write a campaign speech and script a video, so that your brand is consistent across all platforms.

How to raise money and find people who give it, so that you can properly fund your overhead and advertising efforts.

How to use social media and the press to advance you cause, so that you take full advantage of low-cost ways to disseminate your message.

How to recruit volunteers and find competent campaign staff, so that you can concentrate your full energy on tasks only you can do.

How to advertise your message, so that you know all that options available to efficiently disseminate your message.

How to finetune your campaign strategy, so that you know how to niche market to key segments of the electorate, what you are going to say, when and how you’ll do it.

How to craft a campaign budget, so that you run a disciplined campaign that doesn’t run out of money.

How to craft a fundraising plan, so that you have a blueprint of exactly where your money is coming from.

How to outsmart and outwit your opponent, so that you are never caught off guard by a vicious attack, and have a plan in place to handle it if it happens.

Meet Jay Townsend

Here are some things that should matter to you.

My greatest joys in life have come from helping candidates win hard fought elections, who in turn used the power of the office to make life better for people in their community. (THAT is what I live for, and it is my hope for you)

Other than my father, the person who had the greatest impact on my life was former New York Senator Robert Kennedy. On April 4, 1968, I saw him speak to a horrified throng of African Americans in Indianapolis the night Martin Luther King was assassinated. He talked about the pain of losing his brother to an assassin’s bullet, and implored them not to respond to violence, but to peacefully honor, remember and celebrate the life of Dr. King. They did. When he finished, thousands of people quietly went to their homes and churches to pray. Indianapolis was the only city in America where there was no violence that night.

Kennedy’s speech was the first time I’d ever seen the raw power of words…words that forever changed the destiny of an entire city. It was also the night I discovered the power of words, the most powerful drug humankind has ever known. Of all that I do to help candidates running for office, the most important is teaching them how to use the power of their own words to win an election and make a difference.

In fact, I’m so passionate about sharing what I’ve learned during my career that I’ve posted a lot of it on my YouTube Channel. More than 250 free videos on how to run for office and win an election. Of course, you are free to watch all of them. It will take you several days, or weeks. Or you can buy this course, and learn exactly what you need to know about running for office in less than a day.

My entire professional career has been devoted to helping smart, passionate people run for office, win an election and make a difference. It is all I’ve ever done. The only thing I will ever do. It’s what I was born to do. I won’t stop until I’ve drawn my last breath.

It has been my privilege to work in four different Presidential campaigns, scores of successful Senate, Gubernatorial and Congressional campaigns, and 300+ campaigns for County Executives, Attorneys General, State Representatives, State Senators, Mayors, County Commissioners, even City Council races. There isn’t much I’ve not seen or done.

I’ve earned my share of trophies, best mail piece in a presidential campaign, best ad produced in a Gubernatorial election, best newspaper ad in the country for a local candidate and a referendum.

Those trophies gather dust in the back of a closet because they really don’t matter to me. They’re merely proof to others that I’m good at what I do.

Everything you need to know before you spend a dime on anything else.


Here's what you'll be learning inside Running For Office:

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Introduction to The Course

I’ll share a few thoughts about your journey through this course, and how you act upon what you’ll learn.
We’ll also cover a list of items that you should do before the campaign begins so that you avoid mistakes that have ruined the careers of otherwise promising candidates.
Plus, a Free Bonus Book: Fatal Mistakes Candidates Make, and How You Can Avoid Them.


The Art of Being and Staying Well Informed

Running for office is a like a long job interview.
Over the course of the campaign, you are auditioning to voters and asking that they give you the power to govern on their behalf…and make decisions that affect their quality of life.
They will expect you to be knowledgeable and well-informed about the job you seek. They will also expect you to be up to date on news.
In this video, I’ll show you how.


How to Find Problems You Want to Solve. Where to Look

Voters don’t care about you. They care about what you are going to do for them.
What problems are you going to fix? What wrong will you right? What injustice will you correct? What policy will you advance that will improve their quality of life for your community, state or country?
In this video, you’ll learn 5 ways to find the answers.


Deciding What Office You Want to Run For

Once you have come up with a list of problems you are passionate about solving, or ideas about how to improve the quality of life in your state or jurisdiction, it’s time to choose the office you want to run for.
Why? For your campaign to make sense to voters, it is essential that you run for a position that gives you the power to fix the problems you’re talking about.
In this video, you’ll learn how to make that decision.


How to Build a Strong Network of Supporters

Nobody ever wins an election without the help of other people.
In this video, you’ll learn where to find opinion leaders and influencers you may already know.
And, where to find the kind of influencers and opinion leaders you don’t know but need to meet, including political party leaders, elected officials of your party, interest groups that can help or endorse you, prominent civic and community influencers, and the leaders of important ethnic groups prominent in your jurisdiction.


Knowing the Rules of Engagement/Where to Find Them

It is nearly impossible to win an election if your name isn’t on the ballot. It is a bad day when a reporter calls and asks why you are two weeks late filing your financial disclosure report.
In this video, you’ll learn where to find the rules of engagement, how to get on the ballot, how to file contribution and expenditure reports and why it is essential.


How to Create a Campaign Message/What Voters Expect You to Tell Them

A campaign message is more than telling voters what problem you want to solve.
In this video, we’ll cover the component parts of a compelling campaign message, and what voters expect you to tell them.
What are you going to do for me?
What makes you qualified?
How do I know that your notion of right and wrong aligns with mine?
How do I know I can trust you?
What makes you better than your opponent?


How to Find, and Use Demographic and Consumer Data

If you don’t have a list of registered voters in your jurisdiction, your campaign will be like an aimless ship in the ocean without a rudder.
You also want to know something about the voters on your list…a complete voting history, their demographic information, including age, income, ethnicity, race, political affiliation, whether they own or rent their home or have children.
Why? It’s impossible to do precision targeting without this information.
In this video, you’ll learn where to find it and how to use it.


How to Research Your Opponent/Why It Is Essential

Never assume your opponent is a saint. Never assume your opponent always tells that truth.
It is incumbent upon you to know your competition, their strengths and weaknesses, the truthfulness of what they say, the claims they make about their record, the consistency of their issue positions, and the veracity of their biography.
In this video, you will learn how to research your opponent, what to verify and how it is done.


How to Refine/Finetune/Use Your Message

Once you have constructed the elements of your campaign message, it’s time to fine-tune it, package it, and adapt it to special purpose uses.
In this video, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling campaign slogan perfect for your campaign and the political environment.
How to turn your message into a compelling campaign speech.
How to script a compelling video that can be put on YouTube, your website and social media.
And how to make the copy on your campaign website sing.


How to Raise Money/Find People Who Give It

It is very hard to win an election without money. (VERY, as in impossible)
In this video you’ll learn the seven different ways experienced political candidates raise money to fill their campaign coffers, the five different kinds of donors, and where to find them.
Most important, you’ll learn how you can do what experienced political candidates do so that you have what you need to win an election when you need it.


Making the Most of What is Free

Although nearly all candidates need money to pay bills, there are things that can be done to advance your cause that cost little or nothing.
In this video, you’ll learn how to exploit social media, the strengths and uses of Facebook, You Tube, Instagram, Twitter, and Tic Tock. All are useful and vital ways to disseminate your message, attract volunteers and raise money.
Plus, you’ll learn multiple ways to earn free media coverage in newspapers, on radio and television.


Getting/Finding/Recruiting Campaign Help

Your job as a candidate is to do well that which only you can do…debate, give speeches, speak at town hall and neighborhood events, hold press conferences and do photo ops. (And in some cases, knock on doors)
You will need help, and in this video, you’ll learn how to find it.
Where to look and how to find volunteers who can help advance your cause and manage your campaign headquarters.
How to decide when you need to hire staff, the kind of staffing help you need and where to look.
How to hire vendors you can trust to perform specialized tasks.


Ways to Advertise Your Message

There are a plethora of ways to advertise your message, including door-to-door lit drops, yard signs, social media, digital advertising, persuasion mail, emails, text messages, radio and television ads, including CTV, OTT, Cable and commercial.
In this video, you’ll learn which ones are just right for you, how they are used, and how to determine the most efficient and effective way to disseminate your message to your target audience.


Fine Tuning Your Campaign Strategy

Once you have selected the best ways to disseminate your message, it’s time to fine tune:
In this video you’ll learn how it’s done so that your strategy is complete and on-target.
*Deciding exactly who your target audience is, and which pieces of your target audience merit niche marketing.
*Deciding exactly what you are going to say to each of your target markets.
*How to determine where they live, and where they get their information.
*When you are going to spend money to reach them.
*What mediums you will use to get the information to them.


How to Craft a Campaign Budget

If you do not have a campaign budget, you do not have a campaign strategy.
Without a budget, there is no budget discipline. Absent budget discipline, campaigns spend money on things that don’t matter at the expense of things that do and usually run out of money long before election day.
In this video, you’ll learn how to craft a campaign budget so that you are not left with a mountain of unpaid bills after the election is over.


How to Craft a Fundraising Plan

Once you have a budget, it’s time to plot a strategy to raise what you need by estimating what you can raise from personal solicitations, surrogate fundraising, direct mail, cocktail parties, dinner parties, celebrity events, on-line prospecting, email and text-messaging.
In this video, you’ll learn how to do that, and plot it month by month against your budget so that you always have enough in the bank to pay bills when they are due.


How to Outsmart/Outwit Your Opponent/The Art of Wargaming

The best planned campaigns are the successful campaigns. And part of the planning process involves taking stock of your opponent, their strengths and weaknesses, their vulnerabilities and anticipating what they are going to say about you.
In addition, it is imperative not only that you anticipate their attacks, but how you will respond when they come.
In this video, you’ll learn how to do it.


What Clients and Graduates Are Saying

Steve Pendery

Campbell County Judge Executive

“I’ve had some hard campaigns and some not so hard campaigns during my many years as the Executive of Campbell County. The one constant is Jay. No matter the environment, no matter the difficulty of the challenge, he can easily adapt and construct a unique strategy fitted to the situation.”

Tom Moore

Political Director, U.S. Senator Jim Jeffords

“We were getting hammered in a TV spot and needed Jay to craft a response. It was brilliant. Jim won the election. To this day it remains one of the most remembered spots in the State of Vermont.”

Wally Hickel

Former Governor, State of Alaska

“The persuasion mail pieces he did in the U.S. Senate race were the best ever done in the State of Alaska.”

John Tkazyik

Former Mayor, Poughkeepsie, NY

“At age 28, I was elected the youngest Mayor in the history of Poughkeepsie, New York. It would not have happened without Jay, his clear direction and the superb work he did.”

Carl DuBois

Orange County Sheriff

“I was a complete and total unknown when we started the campaign. It was not an easy lift. I was taking on an institution and the entire political establishment. Jay never lost faith in me. He had a steely determination that inspired all of us. I defeated an incumbent in the primary by a 2-1 margin, and won the general election in a landslide.”

Mike Long

Chairman, Conservative Party of New York

“I’ve seen Jay coach complete novices into the Halls of Congress. He loves what he does. He is very good at what he does.”

Ed Diana

Former Orange County Executive

“A great wordsmith. A terrific coach. Adept at keeping a candidate and a campaign on message. I ran for County Executive three times and each time won with more than 60% of the vote. Always with Jay by my side.”

Dick Murgatroyd

Former Kenton County Judge Executive

“They had written me off when I decided to seek reelection as Executive of Kenton County. Jay devised a brilliant strategy and brought us back from what many thought was certain defeat.”

Mike Collins

Former Press Secretary, RNC

“The only political consultant in America who has won national awards for this newspaper, television and persuasion mail. A brilliant strategist who has seen it all.”

Abdourahamane Diallo

Candidate, NY City Council

“When I ran for the City Council in New York, I reached out to Jay for help. As an immigrant from Guinea, West Africa, I was pleasantly surprised when he returned my call the next day. Against all odds, Jay dedicated himself fully to my campaign. The speeches he crafted were truly inspiring, and the video he scripted was exceptional. He never lost faith in me, treating me like his best friend throughout the process, and continues to do so.”

Matt Duffield

State Representative, Arkansas

“When I decided to run for the State Legislature, I reached out to Jay looking for help. He guided me every step of the way. Never missed a beat. Always thinking three steps ahead. Always quick to return a phone call or respond to a text. Not only was he a mentor. He became one of my best friends.”

Tony Colavita

Supervisor, Town of Eastchester

“Many years ago, Jay helped me navigate a complicated, up-hill campaign, against an entrenched incumbent who had the entire political establishment in his corner. Jay never missed a beat. I think he used every trick in his playbook. And in 20 years since, I’ve relied on his help, expertise and judgement in every campaign I’ve waged."

Invest in Your Victory

Nobody is elected to office without the help of others. Nobody wins without investing in their learning, knowledge and ability to succeed. By doing so, they are also investing in their ability to advance a cause and those they hope to help.

The Running For Office course equips you with the tools and strategies to run for office, win an election and make a difference.


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You’re protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. 100% of your money back if you decide within 30 days that it wasn’t worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask for a refund within 30 days and you will receive it. In full. No questions asked.

Yes - you'll have access to all lessons when you enroll.

You have 180 days from the day you enroll to access, and complete the course.

Yes! Two monthly payments of 475.00, or one payment of $897.00.

You can complete the course in less than a day, or take your time.

Yes, including face-to-face meetings on zoom or Whatsapp if necessary. 

What makes the Running For Office course unique and different?

You won’t find another course like this. At any price.

And certainly not one that takes you by the hand, shows you exactly what to do and how to do it….at a small fraction of what you would pay a veteran political consultant with a track record of success to show you how it’s done.

Plus, you’ll have full access to the instructor (not a staffer, not an intern) who has had leadership roles in more than 300 political campaigns, including four presidential campaigns, scores of U.S. Senate, Gubernatorial and Congressional races.

Does this mean you’ll never need the help of an experienced political professional to perform specific tasks? No. But after completing the course…you’ll be a far better educated consumer, knowing exactly what you need, so that you are not charged an exorbitant fee to teach you what you’ve already learned in this course.

This course is for you if…
  • You’re running for office.
  • You think you might run for office soon.
  • You’ve thought of running for office and want to know how to be a better candidate when you do.
  • You want to help good candidates win.
  • You are passionate about fixing a problem or righting a wrong and believe that running for office may be the best way to do it.
This course is not for you if…
  • You’re looking for an effort-free way to win an election.
  • You have absolutely no interest in ever running for office or helping a candidate win an election.
  • You’re looking for ways to destroy democracy.
  • You believe integrity in politics is for the birds.
  • You’re running for office to spew hate and sow division.

Make Your Voice Heard!

Learn How to Run for Office, Win an Election and Make a Difference.